Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Positive Thoughts of the Day (Monday)


As per my new resolutions since my Birthday is one positive thoughts a day... so, here it is....

Went to the optic, because my old lenses felt blurry... thought I might added even more minuses to the accumulated minuses due to lack of sleep, 13 hour day on the computer, and endless friendster browsing... Wonder of Wonder.... My Lens minuses are decreasing.... !!! the cylindricals are getting bigger, however, it's a Yin/Yang thing apparently.. But anyway, I'm taking what I've got.. blessing.... hah...... Really, it's one good birthday present... just goes to show you, getting old doesn't always mean getting worse, nice things can still happen......

Next step, how to wear glasses and still look as cool as the Morpheus.... :-)

Monday, December 26, 2005

Going to Singapore....

Guys... I'll be going to Singapore for a 2006... evidently the company thought that office activities ran so well... they don't need me for at least 1 year, so they kinda loaned me out to the Singapore office.... hey, who am I to complain... free lodging, additional pay... tank tops....

Here's to better beer. :-)