He's supposed to be home all changed up, showered, ready for some relaxing conversation.
But here he is, instead, in a sushi joint. The sushi conveyor belt does its thing and tries to entice him with the same gunkan sushi it has been rolling out for the past half hour, at every 2 minute intervals. The food version of scrolling through TV channels.
There is comfort in those conveyor belts. its as if life will stay the same. like that california roll you see now, that will be back in front of you in 2 minutes, looking the same, slightly older, by 2 minutes.
no such luck.
is he afraid to come home and face the reality? no. is he unhappy at home? far from it.
nonetheless he gazes.... at those california rolls... like he did at the time when things were much simpler then..... before making that inevitable trip home.
and as he got home. ... and relaxed, and make funny faces to the little man, he would be surprised, and wonder what the fuss was all about and why it took him so long to get home, and promises himself that he will not make the same mistake
And the very next day, wilson would be back at the sushi joint.
Life, is a puzzle sometime.