it was a blur... that was to become a bang... and ended with barely a whimper.
A, day, three weeks ago, the big man, lets call him, Voldemort, slithered by, and commanded, in his slippery, way, "Wilson, the head honcho of the underworld is coming, make presentation"....and with that one comment, all the slave drivers, are woken up from their slumber and started to beat down on us little minions, mercilessly scrutinising our laptops for any sign of weakness, finding problems where there aren't any, and making endless corrections for our tribute to the Great Underworld Leader.
So on it goes... Our Presentation is up within 3 sleepless days, and then Voldemort decides to bring his partner in crime, Wormwood, to review. Wormwood, is a funny old man, balding, twitching with nervous energy. Wormwood, deemed our presentation show, "Unsatisfactory!", and "All Over the Place!" the Great Dear Leader will not be pleased", "Our Heads will be in the Gallows by Sun down"..
So comes the 2nd step of our Great Document Revision. Headed by Sirius Black, a hairy, hairy man, with a booming voice and a maze-like mind... Minions are scurrying back and forth at double speed, ignoring sickness and fatigue to figure out the maze of Sirius Black's mind... On and On it goes, from 3rd, revision, until 7th.... until Wormwood himself finally came and declared... nothing... just a nod.
and so here we are, 3 weeks later...presentation material, immaculate, minions freshly waxed, with the additional patina of black eye rings showing the fatigue of 3 weeks non stop preparation. Wormwood, looking very twitchy, Voldemort Looking very slippery... and minions trembling with nervous energy, scared and worried at the same time
And then, suddenly, a voice came over the radio.... Today presentation is postponed, the Great Dear Leader is unable to attend due to him being sick, and please shorten your presentation to the Vice Dear leader within 3 minutes"..
And so now, the material is hanging in the presentation room, unused, unread for the past 2 week. Makes me wonder if anything we do will ever be significant, or will we, finally, be relegated to the dustbin?