Monday, February 12, 2007

Nan Ren Bu Huai, Nu Ren Bu Ai

Had a chat with my friend in Starbucks, about a month ago.. and the talk, inevitably turned towards men-women relationships and why women sometimes end up with guys that are wrong to begin with... at that moment, my friend mentioned that they have a Chinese Saying.....

"Nan Ren Bu huai, Nu Ren Bu Ai"
(Men Not Bad, Women Don't Like)

translated loosely, women don't like guys that aren't bad, impressive fact that the chinese even have a saying for these thoughts immediately turned towards... Hugh Jackman..

Why Hugh Jackman, may you ask?

well..another friend of mind (yes, D, if you're reading this)..mentioned to me, while we were talking on the subject of cloning, she mentioned to me... "if I'd like to clone somebody, it would be Hugh Jackman..."... now, why would anyone want to clone that broody, 230 pounds of solid muscle mass? I must mention that my friend here, is an academic through and through, someone who, on the surface, at least, I would expect to to prefer somebody more...intellegent,dashing...somebody like... Jude Law, or something.... but no... Hugh Jackman it is... the Wolverine... dark, broody, unsmiling, dangerous, unpredictable good guy/bad guy.

and the last straw... my last research comment is from a Japanese fashionista, during lunch, she mentioned to me ( in that oh-so-cute japanese accent).... "umm.... I..rike..bad boys...rike.. colin Farrell...he's so hot..."...

so, comments from three different spectrum of people , from a sensible girl-next-door Singaporean, an uber-intellectual Indonesian, and a fashionista Japanese... and they all have the same comment..i.e. preference... ...

so... what is it with bad boys? there is a pattern here... women seems to automatically identify with something that they know is bad for somebody they prefer? it's such a puzzle...

now, it seems, regardless, when it comes to women, I know which side of the fence I should be sitting in...


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Hm,... I don't like bad boys.
But then again... I tend to deviate from the crowd.
Bad boys are undependable, barely shower, stink (from smoking), and... bad.
Bad boys are overrated.
Viva nice guys!

Wilson said...


I thought you dated one before...
the twit is a bad boy...isn't he?
just wondering....

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

That twit.
I knew then that I don't like bad boys.
So overrated.

Anonymous said...

After gathering feedback from 3 ladies...Now do you know what women want?
Though I have a share in commenting about bad guys...but ultimately what i am looking for is a good husband.
So don't bother to figure out what women want....just be yourself! :)

TiaraLestari said...

Bad boys, good boys,.. Boys will be boys, hahaha.. It depends on how you deal with them =)


Anonymous said...

don't men prefer bad girls?

a male friend once told me that i remind him of drew barrymore in the movie mad love, i was insulted but he was baffled coz apparently that was meant as a compliment...

Wilson said...

no, to say I figured out woman would be to say I'm even more intellegent than Stephen Hawking (who finds women more complicated than the big bang theory of the universe)....

I'm honoured! the comment sounds like experience talking... would you deal with it, exactly?

hmm..depends on the guy, really..
some don't care as long as they look hot...some are really looking for mothers for their offspring.. but I suppose there's a lot to be said for raw excitement& unpredictability.. in short term..of course, I'm talking about it in an indonesian point of view.. personally, I'm not into "mad love (Drew Barrymore)".. :-) and more into "girl next door (Eliza Cuthbert)"..hmmm...small difference, I suppose..