June, is a wedding month… every week, be it Saturday/Sunday, you’re bound to receive one/two invitations at weekends.
I have nothing against weddings… I think it’s great that two people who like each other enough is willing to go through the motions of announcing their short-lived lust of each other and invite everybody to join in their joy.
It’s just that, it really is an aggravation.
We have a thing down here about weddings.. Attending weddings is an obligation. Unless you are sick/poorly, have another important matter, urgent family demands, custom dictates that it would be impolite not to attend the wedding, when you have clearly been invited.
The custom goes both ways, because the wedding invitee also needs to issue out as many wedding invitations as posible, to the remotest of relatives as far away as the Darkest
Thereafter, in conclusion, you’re getting a lot of wedding invitations to people you barely know. And most invitee will have somewhat big weddings, oh, around 2000 people or so…
And as is custom, weddings requires people to dress well..very well.. in fact, the easiest is a coat and tie… and as June is the Indian Summer months, so take note that while we may look formal and quite studly, inside we are silently sweating buckets and cursing whoever it is that invented coats.
And so, the story goes, one dresses up nicely…diets for it, goes to the hairdresser for it. Spend hours pruning and preening for it…
So one can, circle for hours looking for parking spaces, wait in long queues to congratulate the benefactor, get limp, tired handshakes from the bride/groom, get some buffet and sod off home, sweating.
I repeat. I have nothing against weddings. Just the grand pointlessness of it all. But then again, what do I know. After all, It is Custom.
Think it in this way ... u may meet ur soul mate in a wedding ?? watch the movie .. wedding crashers ?? hahaha .
I agree with you.
Just had one a couple of month ago, which I hope will be the last one because I cannot endure another wedding and all of its drama.
Count me in too...i wonder why they have to invite thousands of people for a wed? and how can they stand to shake hands all nite long? sighh...for the sake of custom..such a nonsense (crossing my fingers n hope this thing won't happen to me:p). and - with no intention to point out yen's comment above (hi! :)) - really, i didn't get the idea of 'maybe u will find ur soulmate' thingy when u attend a grand wed (read: a wed with thousands guests.)..unless u attend a private kind of ceremonial or party.
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