Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Humpitty humpitty boom boom "get on up to it"

There’s something truly subjective about creating music, either the right kind of music, or the wrong kind of music.  I have personally not understood the definitions of DJ’s as musicians..

Granted, they may have good taste in music (an entirely subjective matter)… but does that make them musicians ??? They don’t actually play a musical instrument. The definitions would be eclectic music players…and truly undeserving of the dosh they make selling albums containing bits and pieces of real songs mutilated and repeated over and over again and call them “ A Musical Masterpiece”…..Bah…. and us poor souls have to listen to those truly hideous songs in the only two places does play them, namely the Club and the Gym

Why am I ranting??? Well, in as many month as I have (reluctantly) went to the gym, I have never forgotten my iPod…..but, I didn’t bring it yesterday… And for two mind numbing hours I have had to listen to the some DJ albums, consisting of a guy repeating the phrase “ Get it on up to it”….over…and over…. For 17,000 times in a row……..

Hoping for some enlightment, I asked the guy in charge the reason why they played this “thing”…and the official answer, straight faced was… “People work out harder,  and enjoy working out more with these beats”….

Why on earth does anybody think that  creating repeating a beat over and over and repeating a phrase “get it on up to it” over and over 17,000 times in a row would make you work out any harder??  

It escapes my Very Little Brain… maybe one needs much bigger brains to comprehend these music…… for sure, that’s the last time I’ll forget my Pods….

Friday, November 06, 2009


The problem with writing emails is… you expect a reply in return,

so, when it doesn’t come… you immediately think that something was wrong with your reply, and you’re left with palpitations of “what have I done”…whereas when you have received the mail… and you know that everything is all right.. you may no longer have the impulse to reply… which, may leave the other side wondering what THEY have done………

Human beings are so filled with things that don’t make sense..