Monday, January 05, 2015

a million and one

thoughts frequently race from one to another. starting with important work issues and inspiring items to one much less inspired. amounting to, admittedly less inspiring items... like 

1.  Why do people work better in coffee shops? 
2.  Where is one inspired idea when nothing pops out as interesting to follow? 
3.  why does Indonesia get uglier and uglier as times go by? and why is there so many people? 
4.  How do we create enough quality jobs for all these people? 

I for one have a lot to be thankful for.. The little sproglet is growing up well and creating little mini turbulences wherever we go, which, unsurprisingly, the raison d'ĂȘtre of little sproglets.  I have had lots of assistance with raising children, and  dearest D, has been able, to , on many occasion, overlook my lack of talent with kids and have assembled an entourage of assistance teams to support almost any unexpected scenarios. So, home front is all taken care of. 

which does leave the other frontier... as always... I suppose, the wordiness is there... now, more than ever. It wouldn't be different in any other place, or any other situation. and the ability to accept failure and move on. Its just the same as conquering the dating frontier, commence with no real expectations, and take it as the next learning experience. 

so, the only thing i know is, sandwiches... and leftovers, and chutneys..... with a little sprinkling of supply chain... what does it translate to? 

Something borrowed, nothing gained

When all the fun has been had and there are no moree truth to be uncovered, will you finally realise that in truth, most fun time you have is the shortest time ever? The job is to turn it into the most time ever.....

A thought to start 2015.