Saturday, July 25, 2009

Resolutions, 2009

In all fairness, it is now July 2009, and there isn't that much time until the end of 2009. Nonetheless, after my self induced stupor, there really is a need to wake up and start planning all the way through 2009, if I want to still make it past this year, alive

this is still a draft, which will be fixed by the end of 2009 :-)

1. update my blog at least once a month, and the current blog should be expanded to meet my new hobbies, namely, cooking and biking... :-)

2. discipline, cutting the fat from all my previous life.. and make a more consistent wilson...
on the area that needs discipline, namely, exercise and goal setting.....

....that's all i can think of right now.....

btw, if you ask me, why the sudden surge of blogposts, wilson? well, the main reason is this spiffy netbook, which allows me to blog at most convenient places for inspiration, coffee shops, spiffy lounges, and mainly, in the office.. :-)

so there it is, my resolutions for 2009, may I have the audacity to do this, one baby steps at the time.....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Everything in Moderation

I've been back on my couch potato mode for the it's my new "old" thing to do... Oh, well, one can say that biking is NOT couch potato, but I digress.. it's a wee little exercise in the mountain sof hours spent zonked out on the couch, watching House reruns and chomping down on potato chips, or whatever happened to be around on that particular time.

The thing is, one gets tired of couch potatoing. There is always latent need to feel useful to something, or somebody that is built in to each person, and that particular need isn't covered by chugging down high fructose drinks in front of the sofa.

The last straw of that phase, was, with nothing great on the TV, I ended up watching the "i'm a celebrity, get me out here".... :-( watching all these cheesy people doing cheesy things (especially the reality TV star, doing a different reality TV show from his own reality TV) ended my love affair with the couch permanently.....

it's been a while since I blogged, so, some stuff may not make sense, but wilson is up and about,
and making his (admittedly) late 2009 resolutions, ha ha....

P.S. Thank you BC.... u're my blog rock...