Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Is change good?

Sometimes you question your own mortality and the way mortality has an impact on you…
Growing older sometimes has no impact, in everything other than the way you think about life.

Getting older feels like somebody has patted your back and said..” isn’t it time for you to think of something else?”

And the answer would be…well… I suppose so….the question of your existence and meaning in the world, has less importance than the main question in how are you going to spend your life… what will you be doing? How are you going to survive in this world? the young person’s (read: the guy I was a year ago) idealistic point of view, is getting less relevant, and the question of survival (i.e: more practical issues) has taken over the wild and whimsical meanderings I may have had many moons ago…

Am I jaded? …maybe… Am I pessimistic? No, maybe just a tad realistic… I suppose… I’m worried I’ll be out of it… too out of it to care… to out of touch to worry about little details…

So, I’m making concrete movements to get my life to move along. First and foremost…getting all my itches scratched..

Finishing my never ending, 10 years in the making, loudspeaker… that, is finally done… Pictures to be posted.

Getting my very own , real, hard-ass core mountain bike… that, is also finally done… pictures to be posted soon.

So… what else is left?

I suppose…that would be all the questions that I have always posed in these pages recently.. It has been weighing heavily on my mind.

Yah… you’re right…this year… is the make or break… nothing left to chance anymore.

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