Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Book "Inch" Worm

So, to note. I have bought another book. a novel, this time.
which makes my collection of books i have bought in the past 3 months, up to..ten..and counting

1. Bobby Flay's Burger book (burgers look fun)
2. Jamie Oliver's Dinner (loved Jamie's books)
3. Gentlemen of the Road (Michael Chabon)
4. the Mysteries of Pittsburgh (Michael Chabon)
5. Slam (Nick Hornby)
6. Twenties Girl (Sophie Kinsella)
7. The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
8. The To Do List (Mike Gayle)
9. Things Managements do which you have not done (some obscure witch writer)
10. Introverted Management (which was a wash, because it was written by an extrovert, bah)

Aside from the last book, which was, pretty much neglected. the only book that i managed to read was.... The Sophie Kinsella.. which was finished in one day flat...

The rest of the book, was flipped about, once or twice, deigned too complicated to read, and shoveled into the book rack, which and stays there collecting dust, waiting for the other new unread books.

I suppose I liked the concept of reading a book better than actually reading it. see.. buying it does make you sound more intellegent, somewhat. like when I decided to buy a Michael Chabon novel (or three) just because he was a Pullitzer winning novelist, and smart intelligent ball like Wilson should be reading a Pullitzer winning novel.

Well, not so fast, Wilson......this concept of getting "cultured" by book reading is wearing pretty thin pretty fast. But I digress. It is just a way for Wilson to understand people without meeting them.

Turns out, people are seemingly even more complicated in novels, than they are in real life (as per Pullitzer winning author's point of view).

Back to the drawing board Wilson, looks like you'll have to meet more people soon.


blue eyes said...

lols, same thing happened with me last summer, only able to manage one out of four 'til now, since the other book seemed too heavy for me :)
hows kinsella's twenties girl btw ?

Wilson said...

ooh... always a big fan of kinsella's blue eyes... can finish one in two nights straight :-)
but this one, well.. is pretty much fiction"ish".... a little too much so... hahaha.... but then...it's better than not reading...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

You know... I like Harry Potter. And I'm not afraid to say it out loud.
Sometimes those Pulitzer winner books might just complicate your daily life that is already complicated.