Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Eid Lunch, courtesy of the B's

the Eid lunch was what I had missed for sometime, a real Indonesian lunch... so.. in my excitement (and admittedly, hunger..) I missed out on photoshooting the spread.. :-) ... in any case.. you really can't go wrong with Lontong, chicken opor, sambal goreng kentang, and semur daging.... you won't catch me dead waxing lyrical on the virtues of chicken opor.. but... hmm..it was real tasty... I suppose this is the "cooked with love" concept at work....

what we did get to shoot, was the desert.. chocolate fondue with a seemingly endless cornupia of fruit selections, and of course, marshmallow, ... if you noticed, the Wilson/Teaser/N's gang also brought contributions to the table, in form of Don's famous chicken pie, pictured at the bottom.
what was prevalent was also the seemingly endless baby pictures... they're really such a camera hog, so, in honour of the first ever baby that did not cry with me holding it... ReRe.... the (only) human picture in this blog.. hope Mr./Mrs./Ms. B's don't mind..... Thank you for lunch.. :-)

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